If you have a prayer request, please write it down in our prayer book on the table at the entrance into worship, or send to the office or our minister by email.  Your needs will be added to our community prayer, and/or shared with the prayer team if you are okay with that. Thank you

Monday to Friday   9 am – 3 pm (closed over the noon hour)



Sun., Sept 22 – 9:00 am – Beginners Handbell Practice 

Sun., Sept 22 – Youth Group Starts

Sun., Sept 22 – 7:00 pm – Handbell Practice –Come join us as we ring in the new season!

Tue. Sept 24th – 7:00 pm – CGIT /Explorer’s in the large basement

Tue., Sept 24 – 7:00 pm – Bible Study on Zoom

Thur., Sept 26th – Music Morning – 10:30 am in the Kids Corner

Fri., Sept 27th – 5:30 – 8:30 pm – Pizza ‘n’ Games – in the Friendship Room


Wed., Oct 2nd – 1:30 pm – United Church Women – Join us in the Friendship for a time of fellowship and reflection.

Fri., Oct. 4th – 7:00 pm  –  Yee Haw – The Scott Woods Show
Tickets are available through the church office now.  Price is $45.00.
The Scott Woods Show changes to a brand new theme every year and consistently delivers quality, family entertainment with plenty of variety including trick fiddling, step dancing, old time country & Gospel music, inspirational stories and home spun family humour.   Come and bring your neighbours.

Sun., Oct 6th – After church – Planned Giving Workshop – You are Invited to think about financial stewardship at a special presentation on “Planned Giving” with Vicki Nelson, Stewardship Support person for the Prairie Regions of the United Church of Canada on Sunday October 6th after worship. A sandwich lunch will be provided by our UCW in the large basement. Please come and enjoy a light lunch and learn about how you may give a lasting legacy gift to St. Paul’s. The presentation is via Zoom and arranged for by your Stewardship and Finance Team. (Please note there will be no coffee in the Friendship Room that Sunday; A free will offering is invited.)

Sun., Oct 6th – Fundscrip Orders due today. Please send/give to Margaret Taylor.

Thurs., Oct 10th – 7:30 pm – Choir begins again.  All voices welcome, please join us as you are able.

Fri., Oct 11th – 9 am to 12 noon – 102nd Street Stitchers – Stop in and help with a project; bring your own project or just come for coffee.

Sat., Oct 19th – afternoon – Heritage Tea – In the Friendship Room – more details to follow.


Vermicomposting Workshop  – Event date: October 9, 2024
Got Worms?
Here’s your chance to learn how to use worms to turn your kitchen waste into something useful!
Vermicomposting is indoor composting with red wiggler worms, which help break down kitchen scraps quickly into nutrient-rich soil you can use for your spring gardening. This workshop will provide all the materials needed to create your very own vermicomposting bin, ready for use by spring 2025!

Date: October 9, 2024 Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Location: KMSC Law Room- Design Works Centre Cost: $20.00 per person

Register Here

Event Activities:
Learn about the benefits of vermicomposting.
Build your own vermicomposting bin.
Receive red wiggler worms and soil to take home.
Learn how to maintain your bin for best results.

Additional Information:
Limited to 20 participants.
All materials, including bins, worms, and soil, are included in the cost.
The nutrient-rich compost created by these worms is perfect for gardens and houseplants, just in time for spring 2025!

Fri., Oct 11th – 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm – Youth Group @ Christ Church Anglican 780-532-2093
All Youth Ages 10+ welcome.  Early Halloween Party – Creepy Foods and Drinks, Scary Movie, Dress in Costume and Win a Prize.


Oct. 16-19 – City – Drop & Swap – Location: Ernie Radbourne Pavilion, Muskoseepi Park

The City of Grande Prairie, in partnership with Aquatera Utilities Inc. and Goodwill Industries of Alberta, is hosting the annual Drop & Swap event from October 16-19. This fashionably free event encourages sustainability and waste reduction by allowing participants to donate gently used clothing and swap for new-to-you items. Come refresh your wardrobe while helping reduce landfill waste!

Date: October 16-19, 2024 Time:
Drop-Off: October 16, 17, and 18, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Details: Residents can bring their clean, new, or gently used clothing items for donation during these days. Your contributions will help make this event a success!

Swap: October 19, 12 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Details: On this exciting day, residents are invited to return to the Ernie Radbourne Pavilion to take part in the clothing swap. Find new additions to your wardrobe and promote sustainable fashion in our community.

The Folktales Tour returns to the Grande Prairie Museum’s Heritage Village October 18 and 19 with an extra scary flare. The event is a guided outdoor evening walking tour featuring historical and newly added fictional stories to make the occasion more chilling than ever before.

Stories for this year’s Folktales Tours were chosen in collaboration with the City, South Peace Regional Archives and the Disturbing the Peace podcast.

“The Folktale Tours are a hallmark for our Halloween celebrations which are set to be more of a thriller than ever,” said City of Grande Prairie Mayor, Jackie Clayton. “Embrace the spirit of the spooky season by joining us for a night of eerie stories, autumn weather, local history and refreshments.”

Event details

Tours last one hour and 15 minutes each and take place primarily outdoors. Dates and start times for the Heritage Village Folktales Tour are:

  • Friday, October 18 at 7 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

  • Saturday, October 19 at 7 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

A staff member from the South Peace Regional Archives is on-site following the tour to showcase newspapers and other historical documents highlighting the factual aspects of the Folktale Tour stories.

Tickets must be purchased in advance and are available online at the Folktales Tour event listing at cityofgp.com/folktales for $25 per person.

Visitors are reminded to dress weather-appropriate as the event is mostly outdoors. The minimum age to attend this event is 16 due to scarier stories this year. More information can be found on the Folktales Tour event listing at cityofgp.com/Folktales.

Call for actors : Do you have a passion for theatre, enjoy taking part in plays and productions, and want to get out into the community and get involved? The City is seeking volunteers to participate as actors for the Folktales Tour stories October 17, 18 and 19.

Contact programming@cityofgp.com to volunteer as an actor for the Folktales Tour.


At St. Paul’s the calendar fills up quickly.  Please be sure to check with Carla in the church office before you expect a room will be free for your use.   Rooms booked with Carla in the office will have first priority. You can also check out our new calendar on the church website, to get an idea who else is in the building and in what room(s) to know if it will conflict with your plans https://74071685.view-events.com/calendar/74071685/ 

We are in need of Scripture Readers, and Door Greeters, and Coffee Hosts / Hostesses every Sunday. Please sign the lists in the foyer if you would like to volunteer to help on any given Sunday.

Moved?? New to the Church?? If you have moved, or you are new to the Church, please stop by the church office or send Carla a quick email (stpaulsucgp@gmail.com) with your new details so we can keep our records up to date!  Thank you!

FUNDSCRIP – Gift Card Orders – All Year Fundraiser   – We are proposing submitting an order every couple of months for those that are interested in ordering more Gift Cards for everyday food, gas, eating out, clothing retailers etc, to help St Paul’s raise money by getting a percentage of the gift card value for our church. Order forms will be available at the back of the sanctuary or from the office. Next order will be going in Sun., October 6th. 
This is open to you and your neighbours and friends, as a way to buy gift cards but also support a local charitable organization. Feel free to just email us the order details: for example…1- $100.00 Extra Foods; 2 – $10  A&W; 2 – $25 Canadian Tire – Total $170.00     or submit an order form indicating the amounts and values.  Send a payment by cheque, or e-transfer indicating Fundscrip order.
If you have any questions feel free to talk to Margaret Taylor 780-882-3803, or Sharon Adams 587-297-1570.

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St Paul’s Handbell Choir
Calling all Bell Players OR those who would like to learn to play bells:
Please contact the Church Office by email or phone if you are interested in becoming a ringer.

Labyrinth Walks: Please join us for meditation; an inward journey on a sacred path.

102nd Street Stitchers –  Happens the second Friday of the month.  Watch for the details and join them in the Friendship Room to sit and stitch, to chat, to work on a project, to introduce a project.
No gatherings in July and August.

St. Paul’s has an easy fund raiser to help with the Church renovations. All you need to do is bag up all your empty bottles, cans and milk jugs and put our church id # 1468-2415 visible on each bag and drop them off at the bottle depot on Resources Road and before you leave, check in with the cashier and let them know how many bags/boxes or bottles/cans you dropped off.

Celebration “FUN”draiser:  Celebrations can be recognized and shared by renting the LED sign for a day or week.  Contact Carla in the office for more details, samples etc.
We are offering this at $10.00/day  or  $50.00 / week
Birthdays / Anniversaries / Mother’s Day / Father’s Day / New House / New Baby / Graduation /   or any other celebration you can think of.
If you are planning to include a picture and/or the age of the person please get their permission first.

Do you have a special family member you’d like to celebrate by creating an LED slide to commemorate the occasion.  We can post the slide for a day or a week.  We can include a picture, or just have a generic slide with their name.  Contact the office with the details of the occasion…. A birthday, a graduation, a special milestone and how long you’d like the slide to be up and the date(s) you want it to run. Do they have a favourite animal, colour, or “passion” that we can use to personalize the slide?

The Communications Team is always looking for photographs! If you have any photos of recent St. Paul’s events, please forward them to Carla for use in newsletters, narrative reports etc.

Offering Envelopes – Making your donation using a set of offering envelopes is the easiest way to ensure you receive a tax receipt for your donations. If you don’t have a set of offering envelopes, and would like some, please contact Carla in the church office.

Volunteers needed each Sunday:  Scripture Readers, Door Greeters, PowerPoint operators, serving tea, coffee and sweets after church. Please sign the lists in the foyer if you would like to volunteer to help during the worship services or afterwards at Fellowship time. Speak to Linda Wagner if you want more information about any of these opportunities to serve.

PLEASE be sure to check with Carla in the church office before you expect a room to be free for your use. Rooms booked with Carla in the office will have first priority.  Please ask about the COVID19 protocols we want you to follow.

AV Operator and PowerPoint Team Schedule (as of Sept 9 2024) in PDF:
AV / PowerPoint Schedule If you can’t be there please make arrangements for someone else to cover that day.

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