The Adult Choir leads the congregation, providing special music for the worship of God. They rehearse on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.


St. Paul’s worship includes music from our beautiful hand bells and hand chimes.  We have 2 choirs that contribute to worship services.

The Beginning Bell choir is open to anyone who would like to try their hand(s) at bell ringing (Junior high age and up).  We meet after church at 11:20 until noon. If you have any interest in learning to play, please contact the church office.

The Adult Bell Choir is in need of some ringers who are competent at reading music. If you have bell ringing experience, that is wonderful. If you are new to bells and sight read well, we are happy to provide the opportunity to play bells.  We meet Monday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.  People from other churches or those not attending our church often join us in our choir.