General Information on St. Paul’s

Our Office Manager can be reached at 780-532-2415. They can assist with putting announcements in bulletins, booking rooms or any church administrative matter.

The Stewardship
of our resources, as well as the stewardship of our time and abilities, is essential to mature Christian life. St. Paul’s relies upon the generosity of its member and adherents in order to maintain its ministry and ongoing programs for all to enjoy.

Church Envelopes or Pre-authorized Remittance Forms are available on request to anyone desiring to make regular contributions to the worship and work of St. Paul’s. Contact the office for information.

New members are welcomed into the congregation. Baptized people from other churches, who have affirmed their faith through confirmation, may arrange a transfer process.

St Paul’s Email’s:  Want to get our news in your email inbox? Subscribe Here

Volunteers: St. Paul’s depends heavily upon volunteers in leading worship through the Choirs, reading Scripture, making coffee, greeting people, in the Christian Development program and in mid-week groups and in outreach Programs. Your life as a Christian can often be best expressed in your volunteer service to others. For more information on where and how you can participate, speak to the Minister or Council Chair.


St. Paul’s United Church Narrative Reports available:
2016 Narrative Report
2017 Narrative Report 
2018 Narrative Report
2019 Narrative Report
2020 Narrative Report
2021 Narrative Report
2022 Narrative Report
2023 Narrative Report

Accessible Info

Facility Information and Rentals

St. Paul's makes our facility available for public use and non-profit groups. For more information on bookings please contact us.

Facility Usage and Forms

Please use the forms below when planning your event or function:


In order to plan our year, and map out our calendar, we would like to make it as easy as possible for all fund raising groups to request and get approval for their planned event(s) from council. So to help with that, please complete the form below and submit it to the office and council as soon as you have enough information for council to consider and at least one month prior to the event.

Fund Raising Information_Request Form



The main entrance is located on 100 Avenue on the north side of the building.


There is a parking lot that is shared with the martial arts studio next door. Please park to the west of the church. Alternatively there is free on street parking along 102 St. and 100 Ave.


Please refer to GP Transit for scheduling. On your computer or smart phone visit City of GP Transit


There is a wheelchair ramp at the entrance to the building. On-street unloading is designated on 100 Avenue near the entrance to the building. Our aisles and common areas are spacious.

The Sanctuary is located on the main floor but many of our functions, meetings and social gatherings take place in our basement. There is an elevator to aid those with mobility restrictions so they may take part as well!

Headsets are available for the hard of hearing so they may enjoy the service in comfort.

Nursery and baby change station available.