Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals

Weddings celebrate commitment, mutual trust, joy, and the presence of God. We welcome all persons, inclusive of all faith backgrounds, sexual orientations and gender identities, to be married in our sanctuary.
We encourage all couples to participate in marriage preparation. This may include classes offered by our minister or another locally provided preparation class.
To book an appointment to speak to the minister, please call the church office.
It is truly a joy for St Paul’s to participate in your wedding.
Questions regarding sanctuary availability, fees, deposits, building use guidelines, set-up arrangements, rehearsal times, and reception options may be made by calling the church office.
Baptism is a recognition of God’s love and mutual response making a difference in the world. Celebration of the sacrament of Baptism is a commitment to faith, to God, to Jesus and to the Holy Spirit, demonstrated through a desire tobelong to our faith community. Baptism implies commitment for further congregational involvement of the families seeking baptism, thus allowing the congregation to live out their promises to support and encourage the faith journeyof the baptized individual and their family. Baptisms are held periodically throughout the year during Sunday Worship.
Baptism of Children: Parents seeking Baptism should speak to the Office Manager regarding our preparation process. Commitment to faith, demonstrated in church attendance and the Baptism preparation are prerequisitesfor the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism.
Adult Baptism and Membership: is preceded by conversation with the minister and participation in a Confirmation class. Parents or Adults seeking baptism should contact the Office Manager regarding our preparation process.
Death is a time for grieving, for compassion, for understnding, and for faith. Our minister and pastoral care team want to walk you through this difficult time. We recognize that the passing away of a loved one is a delicate time and that the grieving process is different for everyone. We respect your needs and the wishes of your loved ones and offer ourselves to provide accompaniment and spiritual care. The United Church believes that by His resurrection and exaltation, Christ stands victorious over death and all evil, and that He fills those who commit to Him with such grace and strength that in Him they too are conquerors. So we acknowledge the unmerited love and the mercy of our God in giving His only-begotten Son that we might not perish but have everlasting life. We do not believe that death is the ending but rather a threshold over which we must all cross. In God, there is Life after death.