Some Definitions

Publicly Using signs, symbols, and words both inside and outside the church to show that this is an Affirming Church
Intentionally A church on their affirming journey needs to be deliberate and specific in their process of study, education, and dialogue with members of their faith community. They need to discuss and understand the harm caused by previous discrimination, and they need to plan for continued growth, education, and inclusiveness.
Explicitly An Affirming ministry is very clear about whom it welcomes
Gender Identity A person’s “self-conception as being male, female, both or neither as distinguished from actual biological sex.” *
Sexual Orientation Refers to a person’s romantic or sexual attraction
Participate fully in all aspects of church life Gender identity and sexual orientation have no bearing on a person’s eligibility to be a member, volunteer, committee member or chair, council member or chair, or minister.
*Note: Additional definitions can be found in the introduction to the Open Hearts document.