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United Church Women (UCW)
The “United Church Women” or “UCW” is the name of the groups of women across the country who meet regularly for fellowship, devotion and service. We start each meeting with the reciting of the UCW Purpose:
To unite women of the congregation for the total mission of the church and to provide a medium through which we may express our loyalty and devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian witness, study, fellowship, and service.
At St Paul’s we are meeting as one group the first Wednesday of the month at 1:30 pm. The projects for service to the church, community and world are decided upon by the members.
New members are always welcome. Most meetings last about two hours including the social time with refreshments. We begin the year with our Annual Meeting in January and wrap it up with the Christmas Potluck in December. At meetings during the year we may have guest speakers, or a small program on a subject of interest.
Besides our meetings we help with decorating the sanctuary for Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Another opportunity for service and fellowship is at “102 St Stitchers” – the second Friday of the month except July, August, and December. Bring your own project, help out with a project, bring your mending, or just come and hang out and chat.
We hope you’ll join us for fellowship as you are able.
If you have any questions feel free to contact any member of the current Executive:
President Sharon Adams
Past President Kathryn Horrelt
Vice President Sherida Rossol
Treasurer Margaret Bowes
Secretary Joan Godbout
Tentative Schedule of Events for 2024 can be viewed here, but is subject to change for watch bulletins and announcements for confirmation and changes.