St. Paul’s Youth

Sunday School

From September to May children from age three to grade 6 are invited to join us downstairs in the Sunday school.

After ‘Children’s Time’ in worship each Sunday, we head down to learn about the stories of the Bible, reflect on meanings for our everyday lives and grow in faith. We meet briefly as a group, collect offering and sing, then we break off into our groups.

The children are divided into 3 general groups; preschool (ages 3-5 * must be toilet trained*), Kindergarten to Grade 3, and then grade 4-6. Those children that are under 3 are welcome to play in our nursery supervised by their parents.

Approximately one Sunday a month the Sunday school meets as a whole for a group lesson so that all the children can mix together and get to know all the children.

PLEASE NOTE: Sunday School is currently not meeting The CE Team will continue to monitor school returns, Provincial COVID restrictions and guidelines – with a view to resuming when it is reasonable to do so.


Canadian Girls In Training (CGIT)

CGIT is a youth group for teenage girls in Grades 7-11.

CGIT meets Tuesday evenings 7 to 8:30 (mid Sept. to end of April) at St. Paul’s in the large basement area. (Currently not meeting until further notice due to COVID 19 considerations – watch announcements for further updates.)

Our Purpose is four-fold:

Cherish Health

Seek Truth

Know God

Serve Others

Over the year, we try to have a balance of programming in these categories.

Cherish Health: swimming, tobogganing, hair care, nutrition, skin care, bowling, weekend camp

Seek Truth: leadership skills, values, peer pressure, bullying, gossiping, friendship, self-esteem, invite guest speakers from the community to share information on their organizations or interests

Know God: Bible discovery, present a Christmas Vesper Service, weekly mini-worship

Serve Others: annually choose a local or global justice project to learn about, support and fundraise for; neighborhood clean-up; assist, where needed, at church functions

Of course, singing, eating, sleepovers and crafts are also a big part of our evenings as girls and leaders get to know one another and create lifelong friendships!

Although CGIT mostly meets in United Churches, we are an interdenominational group, and we encourage all girls to join us, whether they have a church affiliation or not. CGIT has been in Canada since 1915.


“As an Explorer, it is my purpose to live each day with God’s Love to guide me, to grow each day exploring God’s world of wonder, to give of myself each day. For God has given me a life to live and share.”

We meet Tuesday evenings 7 to 8:30 (mid September to end of April at St. Paul’s in the small basement area. (Currently not meeting until further notice due to COVID 19 considerations – watch announcements for further updates.)


What We Do!

Weekly we explore topics relating to pre-teens:


Peer pressure



Positive image

This is done through discussion, crafting, games, bible study, music or drama. Each evening ends with a short time of worship which the girls have prepared.

Explorers earn stars for their uniforms through memory work, leadership opportunities and participation. We celebrate these accomplishments twice a year.

Annually we join with our local CGIT group to hold a fundraiser for a chosen service project either locally like the Food Bank, Women’s Shelter, SPCA, or else globally like Save the Children or Because I am a Girl.

There is always room for fun at Explorers with seasonal parties, an annual sleepover, a talent night and camping opportunities. Oh and of course sharing of food is always high on the list! The atmosphere is one of fun and fellowship.

For more information: Please contact Brenda Stouffer at 780-832-9371 or Pamela Stack at 587-343-7600